27 September, 2009

So....Darwin was a Nazi? ......

....... and a misogynist? ....... and a sinful atheist? You gotta love the chutzpah of Kirk Cameron and his buddy Ray Cofort. This is one of those times when the first thing that comes into my admittedly cynical mind is: "it's gotta be a send-up." Alas, I am as wrong with this assumption as I was with my first reactions to Rush Limbaugh, the 700 Club, Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, the PTL Club, Gordon Liddy, and Saddleback Church. These people are either serious, or they are playing to people who are serious.

Look, there is no way I can do justice to the sheer idiocy of the latest plan of the "Save America from the evil devil-worship called science" crowd. PLEASE go to:


Now read the article, watch the first video (where this Kirk Cameron person gives you nine factual errors ((that's what I'm supposed to call lies)) in the first 90 seconds), then play the second video, where a very funny lady from Romania rips into the various inaccuracies. And isn't it interesting that this person knows more about the Constitution and the various Supreme Count decisions regarding the interface between religion and government than this Kirk Cameron person (or whoever wrote this script)?

Since the Internet permits anyone to say anything, it makes up for the occasional misuse by allowing anybody else to comment, analyze, and satirically skewer the original presentation.

For that exercise, the reader would be well advised to go here:



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