19 May, 2006


I just read the general specs for the new wall they want to build between Mexico and that part of the United States that used to be Mexico.

It sounded familiar, but it took a minute or two to sink in. I had read just about the same specs on a briefing sheet they gave us when I was stationed in what was then West Germany. Subject was the Berlin Wall. Amazing. For years, I've been hearing comparisons between our southern border and The Wall. I've even made that comparison myself, but it was pretty much a matter of hyperbole. Be careful what you joke about, some God with a warped sense of humor will make it come to pass.

So if they need contractors to build this thing, and if Bechtel or Halliburton don't want the job, we might be able to save money by just getting a copy of the Berlin Wall spec and repeating it a few times to get the right length.

Let's hope it doesn't take as long to tear down this one.



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